Monday, 21 May 2012

Arts Trail weekend

The day after the Southville Arts Trail is always a slightly strange one.  It’s such a busy weekend, spent talking almost constantly with visitors, and the adrenalin that goes with that means that by Monday I am generally rather spaced out and unable to concentrate on anything as today the sun is shining I have decided to actually just STOP and not try to do anything [as I’ll only end up having to do it all over again].
It was a really busy and jolly event - with a mildly boozy preview on the Friday evening. Saturday and Sunday saw a huge number of people come through our temporary  basement gallery. This year there was a pirate theme and many costumes were sported.

We had most of the usual family crowd showing:

Steve Broadway [my Pa] - Photography [although he wasn’t there in person as he’s spending an 8 week placement on the tiny Scottish island of Iona - we missed him]

Hannah Broadway [my sister] - Paintings, digital prints and ‘Monkey and Robot’ books

Stuart Low [my husbund] - Paintings and architectural glass

We were also joined by three of my lovely friends, whom I met just because we happend to have babies at the same time, only to discover later that we all share an interest in art:

Jen Orme - Porcelain cups, bells and jewellery

Sarah Duncan - Paintings

Hannah Hickman - Photography

I have added these hastily taken photos of the space when it had finally all been hung and the clutter removed just before everyone arrived on Friday evening.

[Photos: from top-Jen's ceramics; Stu's glass and Hannah H's photos; Stu's paintings; Sarah's paintings; Hannah B's painting and prints; Steve's photos; and my stuff]


  1. I'm so pleased you had a good weekend! I'm just the same after peopley time- I definitely need to give myself some time to gain energy again! Xxx

  2. Oh hello Alice, sweet you - fancy seeing you here! lots of love xxxx

  3. Hi Ruth - I absolutely loved your work, and the whole gallery in the basement. It was my fav at the whole trail. I can't stop thinking about your lino owl and those marimekko mug drawings. Might have to be a birthday purchase! lou x

  4. Gosh that looks so lovely. I've just popped over from Lou's and have heard so much about this arts trail.


    Nina x

  5. Hello Nina - thanks for stopping by - as you can see by my whole 2 posts i am very new to this blog lark, but popped over to yours and its a bit lovely! - come back again x

  6. And Ruth finally completes the set! You are now officially a family of bloggers!

  7. I know sad isn't it - if you can't beat them, join them!
